A very detailed travel expense report, including miles, non-car transportation, and meals. Spaces to accommodate an extensive approval process, such as that used in an educational setting, is included.
Travel Expense Report
Fields: travel expense report #, traveler vendor #, traveler, destination, department, department location, purpose of trip, departure time, first day, arrival time, misc. expenses, car rental, transportation, airfare from, mileage from, toll charges, registration fees, dates of travel, meals, breakfast, lunch, dinner, lodging, limo/taxi or bus, car storage, phone calls, tips, adv acct, ref, amt, total expenses, due traveler, due company, traveler's signature, account, fund, dept, program, class, project, type, audited by, received by accounting, departmental point of contact for any claim related clarifications
I hereby certify that the expenses claimed in this voucher were incurred for official business and the claim is as allowed by the company policy.
· Ensure that this claim form is submitted along with the original supporting documents + photocopies of all documents.
· A copy of this claim form should be retained for your records.