Printable Business Form Templates
Tax Organization Worksheet (two pages) Business Form Template

Tax Organizer Worksheet

Fields: personal information, last name, first, middle, maiden name, date, date of birth, place of birth, u.s citizen, yes, no, if no country of citizenship, ssn, drivers license, address, phone number, work number, cell number, email address, spousal information, last name, first, middle, maiden name, date of birth, place of birth, u.s. citizen, yes, no, if no country of citizenship, ssn, drivers license, address (if different), phone number, work number, cell number, email address, children/dependents, full name, dob, forms to have, w-2 forms, last year's tax return, 1099 misc, 1098, 1099 int, contribution statements, 1099 ssa,bank account numbers, childcare expenses, name, tax id, ssn, address, self-employment expenses, schedule se, business name, address, tax deductible materials, net income, net loss, education expenses, 1098-t/1098-e, school, bills, loans, materials, charitable donations, donations over $250, recipients, receipts, moving expenses, old address, job location, new address, miles driven, expenses, home owner expenses, mortgage interest statement, statement of property tax, amount contributed to ira, maintenance expense, renovation expense, total value, rental property, maintenance expense, renovation expense, total yearly rent

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