Printable Business Form Templates
Parental Image Use Permission Form Business Form Template

Parental Image Use Permission Form

I, _____, am the parent/legal guardian of _____ and I agree to the following conditions concerning permission for _____ to take/use photos, images, videos, and digital recordings of my child within and concerning the institution:

I allow full, unrestricted access for the aforementioned school/organization to take/use photos, images, videos and digital recordings within the institution and display or market said images on their website.

I deny any use of my child's image for any purpose.

I give permission in the following conditions (check all that apply):
I allow photos, images, videos and digital recordings to be taken of my child within theorganization's settings, but not for display or marketing purposes.
I allow photos, images, videos and digital recordings to be taken of my child within the organization's settings and for display, but not for marketing purposes.
I allow photos, images, videos and digital recordings to be taken of my child within theorganization's settings, for display and marketing purposes, but without listing the child'sname or any identification.
I allow photos to be taken, displayed and marketed within the organization, but not videos.
I allow video to be taken displayed and marketed within the organization, but not photos.

Parent/Guardian's Signature
Date Signed

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