Printable Business Form Templates
Notice To Heirs And Legatees Business Form Template

Notice to Heirs and Legatees

State of: ____________________
County of: ____________________
Court: ____________________
Estate of: ____________________
Case No.: ____________________

To the heir, legatees and devises of the aforementioned estate:

This notice is to inform you that {Name}, of {Residence}, died on {date}. You have been named in the petition as a possible heir with a legal interest in the decedent's estate.

{Administrator Name}, of {Residence}, has been named as the administrator of the estate.

Documents, information and petitions are on file in the above-listed court under the aforementioned case number.

Any heir or legatee is entitled to administrative information concerning the decedent's estate and has {number} days to petition the court in order to receive proof of the will in open court.

Executed by {Administrator Name} on this day, {date}. Assets of the estate will be disbursed {number} days after this notice is released.


Name: ____________________
Address: ____________________
City: ____________________
State: ____________________
Phone: ____________________

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