Printable Business Form Templates
Letter To Notify Creditors Of Death Business Form Template

{Your Name}
{Your Address}
{Your Phone Number}



Dear {Name},

This letter is to inform you that {Name} has passed away and to request that a formal death notice be added to {his/her} file in your accounts.

{Name}'s full name was {Full Name}. At the time of death, {his/her} residence was {Address}, {City} in {County} County, {State}. {He/she} was born on {date} and died on {date}. {His/her} social security number was {number} and {his/her} account number was {number}.

My name is {Full Name} and I have enclosed the necessary documents proving that I am the Decedent's {spouse/offspring/executor} and am authorized to request this transaction.

Thank you for your assistance. Please contact me at {phone number} or {email address} if you require any other information, or if you have any questions.


{Sender Name}

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