Printable Business Form Templates
Flood Emergency Checklist Business Form Template

Flood Emergency Preparedness Checklist

Fields: preparation, electronic equipment is moved to a safe place, important documents are in a dry location, family valuables are in a dry location, gas and electricity are turned off, above-ground fuel tanks are secured, sand bags are in most vulnerable places, house has a flood warning system, there is an outdoor portable generator, supplies for flood-ins, accessible stock of clean water, accessible stock of canned food (3 days), pet food, utensils, food containers, plastic bags, knife, can opener, water bottles, flashlight, batteries, first aid kit, matches, lighter, soap, disinfectant, water purifiers, evacuation plan, an evacuation plan is readily available, an evacuation map is easy accessible, there are two planned ways to get out of any room, family members have learned the evacuation plan, family members know the emergency meeting place, household has practiced evacuations, windows are not stuck, window screens are easily removed, all family members can easily open locked doors

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