When opening a new credit card or applying for a loan or house, use this request letter to ask a credit bureau to temporarily lift a security freeze from your credit line.
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I am writing to request that my credit line, which is currently frozen for security purposes, be made temporarily accessible. I am opening a new credit card and need my information available from {date} to {date}. At that time, I would like the credit freeze to resume.
My name is {Your Name}.
My current address is {Your Address}. I have lived at this address for the last {number} years.
My phone number is {Your Phone Number}
My Social Security Number (SSN) is {Social Security Number}
Enclosed is a copy of my driver's license as proof of my identity. I am declining to pay the {dollar amount} fee, as I was a victim of {Company}'s security breach on {date of breach}. Attached is confirmation that my information was compromised. Thank you.
{Sender Name}
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