Printable Business Form Templates
Covid Disinfecting Checklist Business Form Template

COVID-19 Disinfecting Checklist

Fields: Date, Signature, Employees, Wear gown for disinfecting, Wear gloves for disinfecting, Wear mask at all times, Wear face shield while, Wear N95 mask while, Remove gown and gloves after disinfecting, Dispose of gown and gloves upon removal, Wash hands with hot water for 20 seconds, Use hand sanitizer if washing is unavailable, Launder exposed clothing in warmest setting, Do not attend work with symptoms/fever, Isolate 10 days from symptoms/fever, Isolate 14 days from exposure, Disinfecting, Wait 24 hours if area exposed to sick person, Open doors and windows, Ensure adequate ventilation, Clean hard surfaces with soap and warm water, Clean hard surfaces with disinfectant, Clean soft surfaces with soap and warm water, Clean soft surfaces with targeted safe cleaner, Do not shake laundry prior to cleaning, Launder clothing, linens, drapes on warm, Wipe down electronics with alcohol wipes, Use wipes with at least 70% alcohol, Let electronics dry after cleaning, Wash Hands, Before touching eyes, nose, mouth, face, After touching eyes, nose, mouth, face, After touching animals or pets, After coughing, sneezing, blowing nose, Before and after touching others, Before and after preparing food, Before and after eating food, After using the restroom, After touching high-touch surface areas, After removing used PPE, High-Touch Surfaces, Counters, Tables, Chairs, Doorknobs/handles, Light switches, Toilets, Sinks, Faucets, Keyboards, Cell phones, Money

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