Printable Business Form Templates
Cease and Desist Libel Business Form Template

123 Main St., Apt. #5
Anytown, CA 95928
(555) 555-1212

September 19, 2014

Andy Anderson
345 Property Place.
Anytown, CA 95928

Dear Mr. Anderson

It has come to my attention that you have been writing false and defamatory statements about {me/my character/my business practices} at {internet site/magazine/newspaper/etc.} Please be aware that these false and malicious statements are defamatory and libelous.

You are ordered to cease and desist all defamation immediately, and to take down all libelous statements, including (but not limited to) to the following

{Libel} {Location} {Date}

{Libel} {Location} {Date}

{Libel} {Location} {Date}

Please respond within {number} days to acknowledge your receipt of this letter and to confirm that the libelous statements have been removed and redacted.

Your deliberately false statements have caused damage to my character and reputation, as well as {amount} in business losses. If you do not retract these statements within {number} days, I will seek legal action to recoup these losses.


Danny Daniels

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