Printable Business Form Templates
Cease and Desist Defamation Business Form Template

123 Main St., Apt. #5
Anytown, CA 95928
(555) 555-1212

September 19, 2014

Andy Anderson
345 Property Place.
Anytown, CA 95928

Dear Mr. Anderson

It has come to my attention that you have been spreading misleading and malicious misinformation regarding my {character/behavior/social interactions/business transactions}. This constitutes defamation against my reputation, and I demand that you cease and desist these {slanderous and/or libelous} statements immediately.

Please note that defamation is defined as negative remarks concerning my character, behavior, or other aspects that are spoken or written to another person or persons and that you know (or ought to know) are false. Some of your defamatory statements are as follows


If you continue your defamatory actions, I will seek legal recourse and sue for damages against my {person/business/etc.} Please respond within {number} days to acknowledge that you have received this letter and that you have complied with the directive for immediate cessation of defamation.


Danny Daniels

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