Printable Business Form Templates
Audition Checklist Business Form Template

Audition Checklist

Fields: Before Audition, Create character profiles (gender, age, ethnicity, skills, etc.), Create audition flyers with profiles, date, time, location, Photocopy audition flyers, Post audition flyers (including online forums), Post signup sheet, Rent or clear space suitable for auditions, Day of Audition, Remove signup and audition forms, Create list of the day's events/order of auditions, Send list to relevant actors/directors, Create intake form for actors to fill out while waiting, Acquire/set up recording equipment for playback of auditions, Set up tables for director, stage manager, casting director, Provide paper and pencils for note-taking, Set up space for actors to audition, Set up table with snacks, coffee, water, etc., Set up waiting area with reception desk outside audition room, Post a sign indicating audition room and waiting area, After Audition, Return audition room to previous state, Make copies of all intake forms for actors returning for callbacks, Distribute copies to directors/agents as necessary, Make copies of sides for callbacks, Make at least two copies of full script, Contact actors for callbacks, Provide actors/directors with time, date, location, sides for callbacks

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