Printable Business Form Templates

Pandemic Business Pack

Pandemic Business Pack

Pandemic Business Printables Pack

Curated from among the free and paid, premium printables at the 100-plus sites, these forms, trackers, and other items were specially selected to help businesses create a safe workspace for employees and customers alike during the coronavirus pandemic.
This collection of 50 printables is handy for stores, restaurants, and other businesses implementing safety precautions related to Covid-19. There are items from,, and
This document contains a rundown of what you’ll find in this Pandemic Business Printables Pack. When both a PDF and DOC (Microsoft Word) version are available, both versions have been included. You can customize and print these items as many times as you’d like for your own personal use. This pack also includes an exclusive Disinfecting Checklist.

Business Forms

Aimed specifically at restaurants and delivery services, these forms include delivery logs and receipts, a disposable takeout menu design, reservation lists, and a restroom cleaning checklist for sanitary crews.

Business Signs

Perfect for any business, these general signs can be used to let customers know of high-touch surface areas, online options, hand sanitizer, curb pick-up options, and more. There are also Closed signs for buildings, restrooms, playgrounds, and parks that are temporarily closed or that have moved to a take-out or online option only.

Restriction Signs

Let visitors, clients, and customers know right away what restrictions are in place for your building with these printable signs about social distancing, mask wearing, waiting in a car, or limiting the number of people allowed at a time.

Shopping Signs

Grocery and retail stores can use these printable signs to help limit exposure risks for shoppers. There are signs for limiting purchases and customers, aisle signs for moving in the correct direction or standing in the right spot, and signs regarding cash payments or cloth bags.

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